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Prophecy Part 337: Awaken True Love with the Savior to Dissolve Calamity

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“When the time of the renovation shall draw nigh, THOSE WHO LISTEN to the command of Ardwahisht (“best truth,” a high-ranking God) WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE SLAUGHTER OF LIVESTOCK ANIMALS AND THE EATING OF FLESH…” “…and the darkness and gloom will be smitten in part: nature will be clad in spirit and intelligences will be more clearly grasped.”

Although not a widely practiced religion in modern times, Zoroastrianism founded by the Venerated Enlightened Master and Prophet Zoroaster (vegetarian) thousands of years ago, is a rich source of wisdom that’s still relevant to today’s society. We learned from the last episode that accordingly, in the holy text of the Zoroastrian Avesta, Prophet Zoroaster predicted that a Benefactor and World-Renovator named Saoshyant will appear 3,000 years ahead of His time to save humanity and renovate this physical existence.

“He shall be the victorious Benefactor (Saoshyant) by name and World-Renovator (Astavat-ereta) by name. He is the Benefactor because He will benefit the entire physical world; He is the World-Renovator because He will establish the physical living existence indestructible.”

Three thousand years ahead of the Benefactor’s time is the 21st century. That means the Saoshyant is already here. How do we identify the Ultimate Savior? Let’s look at an important text written by the 9th-century Zoroastrian scholar and theologian Zadspram.

“When fifty-seven years have yet to pass till the final restoration, the birth of Saoshyant will come to pass…”

Fifty-seven years after 1950, the birth year of our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai’s body, was the year 2007. And in 2007, Supreme Master Television had its first global satellite launch. Through this powerful tool, Master’s immense Blessing Power was magnified throughout the world, and in doing so, launched the restoration and renewal process for the entire planet.

Zadspram foresaw the spiritual path Saoshyant would take in His/Her life, comparing it to that of Prophet Zoroaster.

Concerning Zoroaster, thus is it revealed – for 30 years He conferred with Ahura Mazda, and He received the Religion and spread Godliness abroad. In 57 years the Religion reached the seven climes in part.

[…] When the Messenger of the consummation who is Saoshyant […] appears on Earth, in like manner [as Zoroaster], [Saoshyant] will confer for 30 years with the spiritual gods. The term allotted for the final restoration is also 57 years. The Religion will reach the seven climes in its plenitude, and by the wholeness of its propagation Ahriman (‘evil mind’) will be uprooted from creation.”

Just as prophecised, around the age of 30, Supreme Master Ching Hai attained complete enlightenment by practicing the Quan Yin Method of Meditation after years of seeking the Truth. This precious ancient Method involves contemplating the inner Heavenly Light and Sound, establishing a direct connection with God. It is the “true Religion” that Master is imparting to sincere seekers as well.

Through Master’s dedicated and selfless efforts over the years, this “Religion” has indeed reached all “seven climes,” meaning all regions of the globe. The broadcasting of Supreme Master TV has been especially effective in its outreach efforts, changing minds and hearts.

And also, 7 main religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Sikhism, Taoism) are all united in Supreme Master Television’s broadcast. ETC…

One important prerequisite for practicing the Quan Yin Method of meditation with Supreme Master Ching Hai is to keep a pure vegan diet, free of animal-people cruelty. This is consistent with the commandment “thou shalt not kill” or “do no harm” in almost all the world’s major religions. “Thou shalt not kill.” “Do no harm, Practice virtue, Discipline the mind.”

Zadspram indicated in his anthology that Saoshyant along with His Heavenly helpers will awaken humanity to the sin of eating our animal friends.

“And it is revealed that at the end, Ardwahisht (“best truth,” a high-ranking God) will come to Earth with the powerful help of Airyaman (god of health and healing)… to find a means of overcoming Az (demon of greed), and He (Ardwahisht) will show to creatures that the SLAUGHTER OF THE VARYING KINDS OF LIVESTOCK ANIMALS IS A GRIEVOUS SIN and that the profit therefrom is small…”

“We are sinning because we are destroying our planet. (Yes, Master.) We are sinning because we are torturing other humans and bombing them, killing them, (Yes.) innocent bystanders, for any reason. And we are sinning because we’re torturing, oppressing the helpless animal(-people) every second of our life.”

Dear all animal(-people) meat business persons, groups, and livestock factory owners, fishing, egg, milk, fur, lab test, cosmetics and leather industries: […]

Please take heed, because this is very, very important for you. […] You must know this before it’s too late – for you. […]

You will go to hell and suffer so much more, a thousand times more than these animal(-people), and people are suffering because of your bloody business. I am not swearing. Blood is on your hands. On your body, in your hair, in your stomach, in your breath, in your lungs, in your cars, in your houses. In your food, in your shoes, the leather shoes that you wear. Everything. It’s all stained with blood, soaked in blood. […]

U-turn now when you still can. What if you die tomorrow? Life is uncertain. You will go straight to hell. I swear to God. I’m telling you the truth. I know what hell is. You don’t want to be there. […] Repent now when you still have a chance. Make it over. Begin a new life. I promise to intervene with Heaven on your behalf.


“When you eat the animal-people’s dead flesh, you commit many sins. You commit the killing sin. (Yes, Master.) … Not just thou shalt not kill but thou shalt not steal. You’re stealing their lives also. (Yes, Master.) Imagine if somebody kills you like that every day, and your families and friends. They just cut your throat like that or skin you alive like that? Imagine, would you like that? (No, Master.) All these people outside, I’m asking you that question.

If you are the animal-people in the slaughterhouse or in the animal-people raising, livestock raising, would you like to be treated like that? If the answer is no, then don’t partake in this evil, criminal business. It’s not food that you’re eating. It’s other beings’ lives that have been murdered, tortured for you.

To raise awareness about the importance of keeping the vegan diet, Master has come up with many short, easy-to-remember slogans to be aired on Supreme Master TV. Some are used on Celestial Clothes so that people can wear them to promote the messages as well.

Transforming or renovating this world into a planet of veganism and peace is Supreme Master Ching Hai’s goal. With the assistance of our Association members, Her Teachings have been propagated worldwide, elevating people’s consciousness and incorporating veganism into the mainstream.

“When the time of the renovation shall draw nigh, THOSE WHO LISTEN to the command of Ardwahisht (“best truth,” a high-ranking God) WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE SLAUGHTER OF LIVESTOCK ANIMALS AND THE EATING OF FLESH…” “…and the darkness and gloom will be smitten in part: nature will be clad in spirit and intelligences will be more clearly grasped.”

Yes! The fact is that all our Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association member are vegans, and other non-association members are also vegan or becoming vegan, “those who listen” to Her.

“(I’ve been leaning toward the vegetarian side, but I’ve seen a couple of things throughout the show that I want to try to be a vegan.) That’s really great news! (Thank you, thank you.)”

“(After being here today, I’m strictly vegetarian.)”

“Could you become a vegan when you see food like this? (I actually think I just became one. I’ve converted tonight.)”

“(Tonight, I’m a changed man, really. Before I was not really spiritual. When She [Supreme Master Ching Hai] mentioned the five factors of being a spiritual person, I was really impressed. And me, I’m telling you particularly, I’m changed. I’m going to change when I get back home. I used to eat meat. I like meat a lot, but with what She told us tonight, I must confess, I want to stop eating meat. I want to try what She has asked us to try so that I can develop my spiritual life as well.)”

“(The music’s beautiful. The Supreme Master is beautiful. It was a beautiful experience; I liked it so much. I didn’t imagine that it’d be so nice, and I didn’t imagine that it is so cruel to kill animals. So, I think that I’ll change my habits, my eating habits.)”

“(I’m going vegan right now!) Wow! You’re my hero! One more hero! (Thank You! Thank You so much.) You make my day! You make my day.”


When all people uphold the true Religion She teaches, what will the world be like? The answer can be found in the sacred text of Avesta:

“All people will be upholders of Religion; they will be loving and benevolent to one another.”

“And the principal kinds of plants will be restored, and there will be no diminution of them, but every place will be like the spring, resembling a garden in which there are all kinds of plants and flowers; and with the wisdom of this world, it is not possible to comprehend and know its wondrousness and worthiness and pleasantness and purity.”

This description sounds very much like the Garden of Eden in the Holy Bible. “Then the angel showed me the river of the Water of Life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the Tree of Life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His servants will worship him.”

Such a wonderous world is also described in “Hitsuki Shinji,” by Tenmei Okamoto (vegetarian) of Japan:

“The next world will be the World of Miroku (Maitreya/the Messiah). […] Heaven will be clear, too. The Earth will shine, too. Heaven and Earth will become one, and will become the Heaven of Makoto (purity and truthfulness) and the Earth of Makoto (purity and truthfulness). […]” December 4, 1946

Many other prophecies made in different times and places also describe a similar paradisaical world, where all people practice one true Religion with the Savior and naturally become loving and benevolent. And this Savior, though given different Names, is identified as our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan). May all people listen to Her wise Teachings, freely broadcast through Supreme Master Television, and join this historic planetary renovation!

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