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Prophecy Part 331: Awaken True Love with the Savior to Dissolve Calamity

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"And I will pray to the All-Parent, Who shall give you another Comforter, even The Mother of Wisdom, to abide with you forever; for She is the Holy Spirit of Truth; even My Mother, I sent unto you; Whom the evil world cannot receive, because it seeth not, neither knoweth Her.” ~ Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian), The Essene Humane Gospel of Christ

As we noted in the last episode, 2024 has proven to be a year of turbulence, full of severe disasters of a Biblical scale. It has been playing out just like many prophets warned would happen during the End Times We will continue to review some of these prophecies from Christianity.

“The Bible lets us know of this interesting prophecy. The Bible says that there will be a huge turning away from the truth at the end of times. This big turning away is called the great apostasy in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. In the KJV (King James Version) it’s called ‘the falling away,’ and in the ESV (English Standard Version) it’s called ‘the rebellion.’ An apostasy means people are rebelling and giving up on the truth. At the end of times, it’ll be a complete rejection of what God has revealed, making the already lost world fall away even more.”

Many have foreseen the decline of morality and faith in these End Times. French prophet Marie-Julie Jahenny appears to describe acts of devil worship that were publicly displayed at the 2024 Olympic Game ceremonies. She conveyed this in a message she received from Our Lady.

(Our Lady): “Before the punishment of my Adorable Son falls over the land of France, there will be many souls who will lose the Faith. This land will be covered with masses of guilty men who, from the bottom of the lodges, will work to glorify Satan, to raise him to places of worship in the greater part of France.” August 22, 1882

In an inner vision, one of our Association members saw the terrible consequences of the public defilement against God that took place in Paris.

“I was lying with my eyes closed, and from my wisdom eye I saw a very tall god of death, holding a death scythe in his hand and wearing a pale white cloak, walking slowly... He dragged the scythe on the ground behind him. The scythe scratched against the ground, making a harsh sound...

Looking behind him, there was actually a long parade of ancient carriages. The horses and carriages were all eerie black. The drivers were very thin ancient horsemen. They looked vacant and lifeless. Their eyes seemed to glow with green phosphorescence. Their bodies looked a little immaterial. This long, ghostly convoy marched slowly, following the lead of the god of death. An ancient lantern emitting green light hung in front of the carriage, swaying with the carriage...

Looking more carefully, some carriages carried many human skulls, heading for a bridge in Paris, France. I got an inner message saying, ‘Paris will be the first place to send out the plague, and the god of death will use his scythe to harvest people who do not believe in God.’ The convoy arrived in Paris, and the god of death waved his scythe on the Paris bridge and slashed at the pedestrians on the bridge. However, the pedestrians were completely unaware, their souls seemed to have already gone to hell. The body left in the world was just a broken body, a puppet, living dead.

The god of death appeared in front of Notre Dame Cathedral in an instant. I heard the god of death roar violently, he raised his huge scythe, and chopped down Notre Dame de Paris! Then Notre Dame de Paris shattered and collapsed with a ‘boom’!

The death knell sounded in the sky, because Paris was almost completely occupied by demons. During the grand opening and closing ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics, they openly welcomed death, worshipped satan and the golden bull, mocked God, and polluted the world with these sights and sounds, receiving shocked protests and doubts from people around the world.

At this time, the death knell in the sky became faster and louder. There were many voices saying, ‘We will take away Paris. This fashion capital has now become the devil’s abode. Please let us execute it! Don’t stop us anymore, otherwise this kind of satan worship will spread like a plague, and we must reap them! Please tell everyone: We will carry out God’s Will, and all satanists who do not believe in God will be wiped out!’ A low horn sounded in the distance...

Suddenly a large group of white angels appeared in the sky, and they shouted to the ground, ‘Condemn Paris! We in Heaven condemn the evil people! You will definitely receive retribution! The Glory of God cannot be desecrated! You will pay a huge price! We warn you: We hope you repent, otherwise you will have no way to escape when the team of death comes! Hurry up and say some words of apology to God! Otherwise, we will carry out God’s Will!’

At this time, the angels said to me: ‘You heard the divine revelation, why don’t you tell them this? Maybe some people can be saved. Some of the believers of satan are not voluntary, but it just spread like an infectious disease. Please tell them!’ They said: ‘Otherwise, people will die everywhere, and the death rate will be very fast. By then, no one will be able to deal with this problem, because people are dragged to death by their own sins, they can only die from their own sins and cannot blame others.’”

In November 2024, our Most Beloved Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan) also warned that a pending deadly pandemic is likely to occur.

“I don’t want to shock you, but it’s very likely that we will have another pandemic, a very big one. And it’s very likely also that it’s incurable. This pandemic will wipe out many, a lot, a lot of humans. So please be careful. Always praise God, praise all the Masters for protection. Praise all the Heavenly Kings as well.”

Unless humans repent and change their sinful ways, we are heading towards another global disaster that many will not survive. In times of desperation, we must seek Divine guidance for salvation.

Madame Jahenny foretold that the worthy would be protected from the turbulence of calamities. Furthermore, she portrayed the Divine protection as an immense sea — what we now know as the Pure Ocean or Ocean of Love, our Most Compassionate Supreme Master Ching Hai.

“My dear children, all the souls living in His Divine Heart will run no danger; they will only have a faint knowledge of His Anger. They will be enclosed in this immense sea of prodigies and power, during these great blows of Divine justice.” August 17, 1905

Many prophecies in the Holy Bible also indicate that our Most Cherished Supreme Master Ching Hai is the return of Lord Jesus Christ. The time and the manner of Her arrival are prophesied in these passages.

“Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know His return is very near, right at the door.”

Some Christians believe that this passage and the fig tree refers to the restoration of Israel’s independence which took place on May 14, 1948. The verse hints that at this time in history, Jesus Christ was very close to His physical return. Just two years following Israel’s independence, Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)’s physical body was born and then in 1952, Her High Self descended to the child’s body.

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into Heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into Heaven.”

The verse implies that the seconding coming of Lord Jesus Christ will be in a similar fashion to the way He departed from this world. When Lord Jesus died, He was resurrected, and later He ascended to Heaven. Thus, one could assume that when the Lord returns, He will descend from Heaven, and resurrect the body to appear in the world.

“I WASN’T BORN. I just kind of borrowed the body when it was already two years old. Before that, it was a Fifth Level Saint there. (Wow!)”

“I took up this body, it’s not as good as I wanted, but it’s functioning. It’s functioning. It was already dead when I took over. It was already stiff and hard and cold. So I made the best use of it. For your sake.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai descended to the world, and resurrected the body as prophesized. More astoundingly, by taking on a female form as the Comforter for humankind, Master also fulfilled the prayer of Lord Jesus Christ that was made thousands of years ago.

"And I will pray to the All-Parent, Who shall give you another Comforter, even The Mother of Wisdom, to abide with you forever; for She is the Holy Spirit of Truth; even My Mother, I sent unto you; Whom the evil world cannot receive, because it seeth not, neither knoweth Her.” ~ Lord Jesus Christ (vegetarian), The Essene Humane Gospel of Christ

Interestingly, the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection is called “Easter.” This term was coined by the Venerable Bede, an influential British monk and scholar credited for establishing the AD dating system. It’s said that Venerable Bede used the name of a goddess named Eostre. Was He referring to a female Messiah of the future from the East? If so, how befitting it is to call this anniversary of Jesus’ return Easter, as Supreme Master Ching Hai comes from the EASTERN country of Âu Lạc (Vietnam)!

As we enter 2025, we wonder what the future holds. We are comforted in knowing that Lord Jesus Christ has returned and is with us every step of the way. This has been publicly confirmed by Supreme Master Ching Hai in a message from July 2024.

“And I’m telling you now: I am a Buddha. Just in case I die tomorrow. And I’m a very special Buddha for this period of humans’ calamity. Believe it or not; it’s up to you. I don’t dare to lie in front of God Almighty, or all the Saints and Sages in the whole Universe.

I am the Maitreya Buddha that you have been waiting for. I am also Jesus, or the Messiah that you are waiting for. I say this once and for all. God wants me to tell you that! So do not waste your precious time waiting anymore. Just be morally good, praise God Who loves you and uplifts you. Thank all the Masters, Buddhas, for all you have been given. And for more if you ask for. Thank for your Liberation.”

Different prophecies from Eastern religions and Sages have also prophesied about the emerging of a Savior at the End time. We will explore these predictions in upcoming episodes.

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