
Köstlichkeiten aus der Vegan Mama Kitchen, Teil 1 von 2 - Pfannkuchen aus Rote Beete und Lotuswurzeln.

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Ms.Wang is a registered speech therapist and a mother of two She has enjoyed creating .new recipes for healthy and tasty foods ever since she was young.Grace believes vegan food can be delicious, as well as nutritious; and vegan children will grow up healthy despite initiating their plant-based diet at a very young age. Ms.Wong published a book entitled,"Simply Vegan Simply Grace" to promote the benefits of a vegan diet and reguarly blogs and Facebook to share ways of preparing food. Today we are delighted to have Ms.Grace Wong, sharing with us part one of a two-part episode cooking show entitled "Delicaies from The Vegan Mama Kitchen-Beetroot and Lotus Root Pancake."
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Alle Teile (1/2)
Veganismus, die edle Lebensweise