
尊敬するマウラーナー・ ルーミー(菜食者)の 誕生を感謝 愛 称賛を込めて祝う

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Mawlānā Jalāl-ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhi Rūmī (vegetarian), known simply as Mawlana in Persian and around the world as Rumi, was a poetic genius, a theologian, and an enlightened Master who graced our planet eight centuries ago.

The deep and diverse influence of His legacy remains and continues to awaken the hearts of many, transcending all cultural boundaries. His prolific work has been translated into many languages. The venerated Master Rumi was heir to the rich literary and cultural heritage of Persia, or ancient Iran, and composed His great mystical poems in the Persian language.

He was born in the city of Balkh, which was part of the Persian Empire that is today found in Afghanistan. He lived and worked for most of His life under the Seljuk Empire, passing from this world in the city of Konya, which is in Present-day Türkiye.

“Fihi Ma Fihi” which translates to “It Is What It Is” is Rumi’s most famous prose work. It is a collection of 71 discourses on various topics related to daily living. As with all his other works, it offers His great wisdom and insights.
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