
A Positive Spiritual Channel That Spreads Blessings and Happiness (Part 3 of 3) Nov. 12, 2017

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(Master, there’s a sister, she…There was, in September, a major earthquake in Mexico. And the sister, she saw Master fly the UFO around and clean up the (bad) karma. So, my question is: how you did it and did you build the UFO by yourself?) Build the UFO? (Yes.) It’s just something you can manifest, anything you want when you have the power to do that. It’s not physical. I didn’t fly there physically, believe me. So, anything that you see, it looks like physical, but it’s not. Because the Master, any Master has only one body. If she or he keeps flying everywhere, then nobody can take care of every other things. It’s manifestation body, and manifested UFO, OK? 
In the inner realm, we can do many things. It’s just forbidden in the physical realm. It’s still forbidden for me. I use it sometimes, only when I’m really desperate, use physical means, like to heal my dog, for example. Otherwise he would be dying. He hasn’t eaten for more than ten days. He could hardly walk anymore, and medicine did not help him. Karma is too big. Not his karma, he took on some karma. And sometimes, because he wants to shield me from some bad things, so then he got hit. So, I have to resort to that. But it cost me something also. It’s not free, not free if I use some not earthly power to do something. But the UFO stuff, that’s inside world, different dimension. In the inside dimension, the Master can do anything, anything to help people, to minimize the tragedy that they have to suffer. Minimize, cannot completely erase. In some area the Master can do, and some area can only minimize so it doesn’t become too bad, you understand? The suffering, less. 
(Master, right now I saw your whole body have more than ten thousand suns of Light. It’s very strong.) You need sunglasses? (No, don’t need, but I…have like Love.) That’s why you’re crying? (Yeah. Thank you. All the suns, strong Light, is Love. Thank you!) Is Love! (Yes!) Is Love, OK. (My heart is very touched.) Is that why you’re crying? (Yes, thank you, I appreciate it, thank you!) I was wondering why everybody is happy and you’re crying. (I saw this strong Light, different color like a rainbow, right now. Thank you, I appreciate it.) Good, good. Thank you, for sharing with everybody.
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Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples
Between Master and Disciples