
Victory Over the Disturbing-Peace World, Part 7 of 11, Mar. 3, 2025

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So He’s (President Trump’s) powerful and He’s in the winning position and a mighty position. So He might have forgotten a little bit, was less considerate to President Zelenskyy, who has already been tattered for three years long. His hair just turned gray suddenly and his face, everything changed because of the war headache. Too much responsibility, too much suffering, too much terrorizing, all kinds of things. And his life has never been safe since then, since the war.

When people are already down on the floor, we should not kick them anymore. But, the political situation is never easy for anybody. I just imagine if it were me, if I were President Zelenskyy, I wouldn’t know what to do. I don’t think anybody would be wiser if they were in his situation, pressured from all sides and losing too many things already, losing too much and worrying about even losing his own country. The winner should always be more considerate, more understanding.

We used to have a little game in our Hsihu Ashram. Sometimes if I don’t have any more things to give, for example, like we were eating together and everybody’s favorite is vegan ice cream, and sometimes they didn’t buy enough. Everybody had one already, it’s just that sometimes I let them have more. And then when it’s not enough for each one to have the second one, like not the second (vegan) ice cream because we don’t have enough, only one (vegan) ice cream left for the last two people, for example. Then I tell them they have to do this game, like one, two, three, rock, paper, scissors. And then one person, of course, has to lose. In this game, always one person has to lose.

So after one of the nuns lost, I told the winner, “OK, the loser can have the (vegan) ice cream.” Everybody was surprised. “But why? The winner should take the (vegan) ice cream, the last (vegan) ice cream.” I said, “No. The loser already feels too bad, feels very bad, losing face already. So now she must have the (vegan) ice cream to comfort her losing situation.” So, everybody laughed and gave in, but like it or not, I gave it to the loser. It was just our game. In political warfare, it’s probably different than just (vegan) ice cream. At least it’s just a joke for you. Thank you.

So if President Zelenskyy has some different concepts or different thinking or different perceptions, it is because he has been through a lot with his countrymen. So he should have been maybe treated a little bit more gently, more discreetly. People came to Your door already, not as the superior but in a less superior, lesser position, then we should have been more considerate to that person. I’m sorry if I have offended You, great President Trump. I’m Your fan, You know that. I’ve been supporting You in different ways, whatever way I can, directly and indirectly. So forgive me if I offended You, but I’m known for straight talk.

I don’t side with President Zelenskyy. I just understand him and sympathize with his position and his countrymen. I wish that country the best and the quickest possible peace. There must be a sorting out of misunderstandings or knots in between, before the whole world should know. His country is already in big turmoil and sorrow, and he’s not in a strong power position. He’s been begging from door to door, different countries, to help his country. So we probably should have more sympathy. When somebody is already in a worse position, we should not hurt him more. He is not alone. He represents his country. So if You know better, You should slowly explain it to him. That’s what I think. Forgive the old woman’s thinking.

When we’re winning, we have this kind of powerful overconfidence, so we might not be able to understand the other people who are of lesser fortune. That’s all. You did not mean anything, President Trump, You did not mean anything bad. You thought Your way is the best already. And it could be the best. It’s just You must slowly explain it to somebody who is not You, who is not in Your mighty position, who is having too much of a headache, too much confusion, too much pressure from all sides, who probably hasn’t seen his wife and kids for, don’t know how long.

When the war first started, his wife had been interviewed on the television, and she said to the host, “Thanks to you today I could see my husband. I haven’t seen him ever since the war started until now.” And that was a long time. And his children also don’t see him. And even his children want to become soldiers, go out and fight already. They were kids.

“Media Report from The Telegraph – May 23, 2022, Olena Zelenska: Our family, like all Ukrainian families, is now separated.

Olena Frolyak: Did the war practically take away your husband?

Olena Zelenska: No one will take my husband away, not even the war, but yes, he lives at work. We hardly see him. We didn’t see each other for two and a half months. We only talked on the phone. Now we have had several opportunities to see each other, and I am also grateful for this opportunity to spend time together.

His Excellency Volodymyr Zelenskyy: Date on air.

Olena Zelenska: Date on the air, thank you so much. You know, this is a great opportunity to drink tea together. I woke up to strange sounds outside the window. It was dark, it was almost night then, and I saw that Volodymyr was not around. I went to the next room and found him in a suit, but without a tie. Of course, I understood everything, but asked what was happening. He just said: ‘It has begun.’ Well, emotions cannot be conveyed because it is horror and numbness. He told me this and left. I can’t say that we’ve seen each other at any length since then. And to be honest, I understand how tense he was at that moment. We all immediately realized that life had changed forever. And now I live for the day when he finally says: ‘It’s over.’”

“Media Report from NBC’s TODAY – July 21, 2022, Peter Alexander: Five months into Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, First Lady Olena Zelenska tell us she fears for the safety of her people and her family, including her 18-year-old daughter, Oleksandra, and 9-year-old son, Kyrylo. What does your son dream of? What does he want to be?

Olena Zelenska: Obviously, he wants to be a soldier.

Peter Alexander: He wants to be a soldier.

Olena Zelenska: Obviously.

Peter Alexander: What does that make you think as a mom?

Olena Zelenska: I really want to ensure that the childhood of my son is given back to him and that he enjoys his life to the fullest.

Peter Alexander: Still, she has learned to cope with the relentless risk her husband, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, now faces.”

So, emotionally, privately and publicly, he’s been under tremendous pressure. So even if he thinks something wrongly, we should be able to understand him and help him because that is helping millions of people, his co-citizens. I’m tearing up now as I’m talking about that. I have no power to help. I mean, physically not. I’m doing many things, but it doesn’t look like I could decide the fate of his country, not obviously like the way You would do.

You see, President Zelenskyy also has a big pressure on his chest, because whatever You demand him to sign, or whatever he decides to sign, he can never be sure whether or not his people will accept it, whether or not they will support him inside or outside in his decision. Even if he has the best intention to end the war, to end all the suffering and the killing, he himself might have a very unfavorable outcome from his decision and reaction from his people. So it is difficult for him also.

So, President Trump, You’re a great man, please ask him to come back and talk together in a private room. No need to air all the weaknesses in front of the world like that. He’s been punished enough. Even – even if he has done anything wrong, he has been punished day and night for three years already.

Photo Caption: God Creates Beauty for All To Enjoy

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