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Trích Thánh Điển Akaranga Của Kỳ Na Giáo: Những Bài Giảng Về Giải Thoát Và Đạo Đức, Phần 1/2

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Thoroughly knowing karma, the Venerated One avoids sin. The Sage, perceiving the double karma, proclaims the incomparable activity, He, the knowing one; knowing the current of worldliness, the current of sinfulness, and the impulse. Practicing the sinless abstinence from killing, He did no acts, neither Himself nor with the assistance of others; He to whom women were known as the causes of all sinful acts, He saw the true state of the world. He did not use what had expressly been prepared for Him; He well saw that bondage comes through action. Whatever is sinful, the Venerated One left that undone: He consumed clean food.
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