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”Sống Với Các Vị Chân Sư Trên Hy Mã Lạp Sơn”: Những Thể Nghiệm Tâm Linh Của Swami Rama, Phần 1/2

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Like a multifaceted diamond, Swami Rama had of many brilliant talents. He was an extraordinary spiritual Master, a medical doctor, renowned scientist, prolific author, gifted singer, Artist, and humanitarian. Even before his conception, his grand and auspicious destiny was known among the Himalayan sages. His autobiography, “Living with the Himalayan Masters,” was published in 1978 and his considered one of the greatest spiritual classics of all time. Swami Rama’s personal quest for truth and enlightenment is relayed in remarkable stories which are both entertaining and illuminating.
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