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Trích Thánh Điển của Bạch Huynh Đệ Đại Đồng: Viên Đá Bị Loại Bỏ, Do Nhà Đạo Hạnh Hristo Madzharov Trình Bày, Phần 1/2

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Master Beinsa Douno taught that one should walk the path of Love, Wisdom, and Truth. We present to you the sacred teachings of the Universal White Brotherhood from one of Master Beinsa Douno’s lectures titled, “The Rejected Stone.” People who pursue the positive sciences say that all things must be visible, tangible and real. However, not all tangible things are true or real. Coincidence is a karmic law, it is a measured law of action. Coincidence is a karmic law, it is a measured law of action. The Scriptures say that the rejected stone became the head of the corner. Of Love and Wisdom in the invisible world.