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May Mắn Lớn Nhất Khi Gặp Được Minh Sư Tại Thế Hoàn Mỹ: Phỏng Vấn Ông Ishwar Puri Ji, Phần 2/4

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The spiritual path is not the journey from one drop finding an ocean. It is discovery of our own true Self where we already are. We are oceans functioning temporarily as drops. When we expand our awareness, we become the ocean. That’s the true path. That’s what it is. So far as the meditational practices are concerned, they’re designed to keep our attention within ourselves, inside behind the eyes at the third eye center. And therefore, we use several practices, the most important being repetition of certain words. By repeating those words, we are able to prevent the mind from thinking of other things.