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Âu Lạc

Sản Xuất Ca Cao Bền Vững: Một Nỗ Lực Toàn Cầu, Phần 2/2

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As chocolate becomes ever more popular, the demand for cocoa will continue to rise. And in order to produce more cocoa without causing environmental damage such as deforestation and soil degradation, cocoa farmers need to adopt more sustainable agricultural method. A research team from Zurich’s Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) has found solutions to some of these problems. In the next part of the show, we’ll examine a serious issue surrounding cocoa production - child labor. The chocolate value chain is unevenly distributed. Most cocoa farmers do not receive a fair share of this money. As consumers, we can help end this practice by purchasing Fair Trade certified products.
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