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As we recall from Part 1, Saint Roch dedicated his life to walking the way of Lord Jesus Christ and traveled to plague-stricken cities to treat those afflicted with the devastating disease. Alas, he himself became infected with the plague and quietly retreated to the forest. At the sight of Saint Roch’s sickened body lying on the ground as he serenely awaited his death, God made a water stream miraculously surge from the ground, allowing Saint Roch to keep hydrated and clean. God, in all Hiers great benevolence, sent Saint Roch a guardian angel in the form of a dog. Saint Roch was said to have lived surrounded by angels while patiently spending the last five years of his life in prison. The humble pilgrim prayed and surrendered his final days to God. Saint Roch asked God to please relieve anyone from any contagious disease if asked in his name. As soon as he passed on from his Earthly existence, the angels sang sweet melodies and the prison cell shone with celestial light.