
Jewish Scholar Asa Keisar’s True Vegan World Revolution, Part 1 of 3

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The respected Asa Keisar is an Israeli religious scholar who’s on a mission of spreading veganism all across Israel and the world. His speeches feature statements from the Holy Torah about the incorrectness of consuming animal products, especially in our modern world. Another example of his duly gained recognition is a sincere letter he received from the President of Israel, His Excellency Reuven “Ruvi” Rivlin, who called Asa Keisar’s work “nothing less than a true revolution.” Through this interview, we’ll learn more about Asa Keisar’s noble efforts as he clarifies how the most essential holy Jewish texts have always been pointing to the right way of treating our animal co-inhabitants, namely with compassion and respect. “I make the connection between the Judaism and veganism. I wrote a book about this subject. The name of the book in Hebrew is ‘Velifnei Iver Hashalem,’ ‘In Front of the Blind.’ ‘The blind,’ the meaning is the people, something like the blind – we don’t know what’s happening to the animals, about what the Torah says, about the tza’ar ba’alei chayim (suffering of living creatures) and all of these subjects. This is a passage from the Bible.”
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