
Selections from “Pistis Sophia” – Chapters 47-49, Part 2 of 2

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Let us continue with excerpts from Chapters 48 and 49 from “Pistis Sophia” where Pistis Sophia continues to repent and asks the Lord to protect her.

“On Thee, O Lord, have I hoped. Let me never be put to shame; save me according to Thy righteousness. Incline Thine ear unto me, save me quickly. Be Thou unto me a protecting God and a house of refuge to save me. For Thou are my support and my refuge; for Thy name’s sake Thou will guide me and feed me. And Thou will draw me out of this snare, which they have laid privily for me; for Thou are my protection. Into Thy hands I will render my spirit; Thou has redeemed me, O Lord, God of Truth. Thou has hated them who hold to vain emptiness; but I have trusted. And I shall rejoice because of my Lord and make merry over Thy Grace. For Thou has looked down upon my humbleness and saved my soul out of my necessities.”

“And Thou has not shut me up in the hands of my foes; Thou has set my feet on a broad space. Be gracious unto me, O Lord, for I am afflicted; my eye is distracted in the wrath and my soul and my body. For my years have wasted away in sadness and my life is wasted in sighing. My power is enfeebled in misery and my bones are distracted. I am become a mockery for all my foes and my neighbours. I am become a fright for my acquaintances, and they who saw me, are fled away from me. I am forgotten in their heart as a corpse, and I have become as a ruined vessel. For I have heard the scorn of many who encompass me round about. Massing themselves together against me, they took counsel to take away my soul from me. But I have trusted in Thee, O Lord. I said: Thou are my God. My lots are in Thy hands. Save me from the hand of my foes and free me from my persecutors. Reveal Thy face over Thy slave, and free me according to Thy Grace, O Lord. Let me not be put to shame, for I have cried unto, Thee. […]”
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