بیشتر بخوانید
In a landmark ruling, Islamabad High Court Chief Justice, the Honorable Athar Minallah, ordered that Kaavan, an Asian elephant who was cruelly treated at a zoo in the capital for the last 30 years, be relocated to a sanctuary within 30 days. In addition, all remaining animals confined in“small and ill-equipped enclosures” must be moved to appropriate sanctuaries in 60 days. A black bear who was rescued from “shockingly distressing condition” at an entertainment operation, will also continue staying at the Balkasar Bear Sanctuary, and the inhumane shooting of homeless dogs was ordered to stop immediately. Notably, the 67-page decision has recognized the “right to life” of animals while making reference to the country’s constitution, as well as national and international wildlife protection acts. It moreover stated that all religions, including Islam, have emphasized the importance of treating sentient beings with care, compassion and respect. Bravo! Our heartfelt gratitude and Heaven’s immense blessings, the Honorable Athar Minallah. May we always be good guardians of our beloved animal friends, in Allah’s all-embracing kindness. Supreme Master Ching Hai: “Gratefully present the Shining World Leadership Award for Justice to the Honorable Judge Athar Minallah, with high salute, praises and heartfelt gratitude. May Allah forever shield and bless you.”