
Del sagrado sutra Surangama del jainismo, libro II: Lecturas 8 y 10, parte 2 de 2.

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Thus the soul which suffers for its carelessness, is driven about in the Samsara (migration and transmigration) by its good and bad Karman. Though he may possess all five organs of sense, still it is a rare chance to be instructed in the best Law; Though he may have been instructed in the right Law, still it is a rare chance to believe in it; Though one believes in the Law, he will rarely practice it. When your body grows old, and your hair turns white, all your powers decrease. Despondency, the king’s evil, your body wastes and decays; Cast aside from you all attachments, Going through the same religious practices as perfedted saimts, you will reach the world of perfection. Having heard the Buddha’s well-delivered sermon, adorned by illustrations, Gautama cut off love and hatred and reached perfection.
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