
Del texto sagrado del hinduismo: Devi Bhagavatam, Cuarto libro, capítulo 4, Parte 2 de 2

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We now present an excerpt of Hinduism’s sacred text: verses on Adharma by Maharsi Veda Vyasa. It is only the Munis and Hermits that can observe pure truth; They exist as perfect examples; their case is quite separate. The sense organs, Indriyas, confound the Buddhi (rational) and make one follow the path of enjoying sensual things. Mind is attached to senses and follows diverse ways, urged on furiously by the three Gunas (attributes of nature: purity, passion, and delusion). Persons when they do not get their desired objects after have pondered how to secure the sensual objects, take recourse to pretext, and, from that pretext do many sinful acts.
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