
A Prayer for All Future Prophets (Part 3 of 3) Aug. 17-18, 2013, France

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Before you bring a child into this world, you have to plan, called family planning. Make sure your child will have enough money to live on with you, and both of you, and to go to school. So that at least you have to do something. Because another child will ask your child, “What’s your father working in? What is his work? What’s the mother’s work?” And then he’d say, “Nothing. They live off the government,” for example. That’s not nice. And if everybody in a country just doesn’t work, just brings children into the world like that, and nobody goes to work, just lives off government social programs, that’s not nice, is it? And how does the government have money to repair the road, to build hospitals, and to take care of the people who really need, who cannot work? Like disabled people, elderly people. Or maybe sometimes single parents, they cannot work. If two parents, then one should go to work, at least. Enough money to keep the dignity. To live, and also to pay debt to society, to pay taxes. Because if nobody pays taxes, then the country goes bankrupt. The European system is very good. They take care of their citizens. If you don’t work, then you also still have money and all that. But if everybody takes advantage of that, then also, even the rich country goes kaput, goes bankrupt. We should live sincerely, honestly. Because if we have money to pay for ourselves, it’s okay then. But if we have to rely on the government, other people’s tax-paying money, then it’s not nice. Especially if you live in Europe, already a more advanced country. Not like maybe in Africa or in some other country, that people don’t have the means to prevent pregnancy, or something like that, then it would be more excusable. But in Europe, you have means to do that. So you have to think about whether or not you should bring a child into the world. And okay, accidentally, maybe you forgot to plan, or you planned but it didn’t work, have a child, then you must take care that you work enough to earn money. For the child. Yeah, that’s your duty. Pleasure doesn’t come cheap. Few minutes of pleasure is twenty years of work.
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