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And these, the ones I mentioned here, like Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Holland, Spain, yes, Spanish, Denmark, Poland, even Poland, Finland even, and Norway, Romania! Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia are new. Today, I only knew it today so I asked them to send them. Okay, and so we send also to Turkey and Lebanon and Jordan. So all these countries, and Germany of course, and UK, and Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, France, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Serbia, Syria, USA, Canada, UNHCR, the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, and perhaps as we’re reading this, we’re telling this, there’re probably other new countries coming up to accept, to receive the refugees. It looks like the whole world is opening their arms. The whole world is welcoming the refugees, which is a very, very good thing, very heart-warming, very meritorious for our planet. All these countries are truly Christian, or Buddhist countries, or Muslim countries. Truly they adhere to the teaching of the Masters, of the Prophet. Yeah, we applaud and we thank you. We thank you. We thank you. We thank you. I’m sorry. We thank you for really loving your neighbors and helping the helpless people in time of need. This is truly brotherhood. This is really religious. It’s just, talking is easy. Doing it is good. I really thank you and may your blessing be manyfold forever. May your country prosper, have peace, happiness. May your people have all the comforts that they need, all the comforts that you ... and you afford to others will come to you and your people, manyfold, many generations. Thank you so much. May God bless you, all of these countries. And I thank you personally. Thank you, thank you so much, so much. We just do what we can and whoever does good to others we really, really thank them and we pray for them, as well. Okay, if you can afford it, then you adopt some orphans or some people, elderly, something, do something. And if you help any refugees in any way, I thank you in advance, and may your merit also be manyfold. Even though if you don’t need it, okay? If you need it then you can have merit. But the best is that we go up. Whatever you do for charity it has to be from pure love in your heart, okay? Has to be like sympathize for the people who really need it. Imagine it’s you, okay? Imagine it’s you. It could be you.