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Mawlānā Jalāl-ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhi Rūmī, known simply as Mawlana in Persian and around the world as Rumi, was a poetic genius, a theologian, and an enlightened Master who graced our planet eight centuries ago. The deep and diverse influence of His legacy still remains and continues to awaken the hearts of many beyond all cultures and boundaries. Rumi was heir to the rich literary and cultural heritage of Persia, or ancient Iran, and composed His great mystical poems in the Persian language. "Whoever labors for the glory of God, though both their eyes are sealed, their labor is not lost. Even an atom’s weight of good is not lost. Though all within is dark and veiled, and they do not see how far they have progressed, still in the end they will know. ‘This world is the seed plot of the world to come.’ Whatever they sow here, they will reap in the next world."