
Be Strong and Keep Five Moral Precepts Diligently, Meditate with Quan Yin Method, and Continuously Thank Power of God for All Divine Wonders in Your Life

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And now we have a heartline from Denise in Cameroon:

Revered Supreme Master Ching Hai, I am 19 years old, and I live in Cameroon. By Your immense Love, Master, I was initiated on June 9, 2024. It was a splendid day. I felt so much love and joy. When I saw this program on Between Master and Disciples, which shows us all these people as fake masters and monks, how they cheat people, I thought I was very lucky to have been initiated by Supreme Master Ching Hai. Despite all our sins, Master, You accept bearing our sorrows and the suffering they cause You, without expecting anything from us.

Master, You love all of us, and I am happy to be one of Your disciples. I thank God and all the Saints for making my heart pure, giving me a more intense desire to meditate with the Quan Yin Method every day, so that I may be closer to Heaven, even if I do not feel so worthy. May Master always be healthy and protected by all the Saints and the positive entities of the Universe. I love You very much, Master. Humbly, Your disciple, Denise from Cameroon

Lucky Denise, Welcome to the Quan Yin Spiritual Family.

We are happy to have Master’s heartfelt reply for you: “Sweet Denise, it is God’s Will that will be done, and time is simply an illusion, as is this world of suffering that appears around us. Trust that we are together always, and you are loved deeply, protected, and safe. Be strong and keep the Five moral Precepts diligently, meditate with the Quan Yin Method, and continuously thank the Power of God for all the Divine wonders in your life. May you and the radiant Cameroonian people be awakened in the infinite wisdom of the Universes. Love you very much.”